
Söz Hakkı discusses Kobani trial: Insufficient evidence, contradictory statements, illegality

Söz Hakkı discusses Kobani trial: Insufficient evidence, contradictory statements, illegality


MLSA  - In the 21 May episode of Söz Hakkı (Right to Speak) on MLSA TV, hosted by journalist Yıldız Tar, lawyer Nuray Özdoğan and journalist Hayri Demir discussed the controversial Kobani trial. The trial is one of Turkey's largest political cases in recent years, and the verdicts announced last week resulted in a total of 407 years and 7 months in prison for 24 politicians, with the heaviest sentence given to Selahattin Demirtaş.

Lawyer Özdoğan provided an overview of the case, highlighting the complexity of the files and the lack of fundamental evidence. She detailed how the case developed from Demirtaş’s initial trial, emphasizing that much of the evidence presented is invalid.

Journalist Demir recounted the events of October 6-8, 2014, and provided a historical context for the Kobani trial. Özdoğan pointed out several issues, including the politically motivated nature of the trial, the contradictory statements from secret witnesses, the restriction of lawyers' rights to question witnesses, and the overall insufficiency of evidence.

**Normalization through democracy**

Özdoğan stressed that normalization in Turkey can only occur through democratic processes, noting that the closure case against the People's Democratic Party (HDP) is connected to the Kobani trial. Demir added that the government's approach to political trials has systematically excluded Kurdish political movements, discussing the political and social ramifications of the Kobani trial.

The discussion also explored the trial's legal and political dimensions and its implications for Turkey's political future. They examined how the legal proceedings might unfold and how decisions from the European Court of Human Rights could influence the process. The full program can be watched on MLSA TV.


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