
TİP politician faces defamation lawsuit over post about Islamist leader

TİP politician faces defamation lawsuit over post about Islamist leader

MLSA – Berk Alıcı, a leader of the Turkish Workers' Party (TİP) in Adana, is facing a lawsuit for allegedly insulting leader of an Islamist sect Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü, popularly known as "Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca," through a social media post made four years ago. The case, initiated by Ünlü's complaint, centers on a tweet Alıcı posted on May 22, 2020, on the Twitter/X platform.

The term "Cüppeli" in Turkish literally translates to "robed" in English. It is often used to describe someone who wears a traditional Islamic robe, particularly in a religious or clerical context.

In the post in question, Alıcı listed a number of Islamist figures, among them Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü whom he referred to as a robed "gavat", a pejorative term used in Turkish for a man who profits from sexual exploitation of others.

The Istanbul Anatolian 61st Criminal Court of First Instance is handling the case, with the first hearing scheduled for May 3.

Alıcı: My post falls under free speech

Alıcı acknowledged authoring the post but argued that it was not intended as an insult towards Ünlü specifically, rather it was a critique of the regressive and anti-democratic ideology he represents. He explained that the term "Cübbeli" (robed) was used in a general sense, applicable to many, and lacked concrete evidence linking it directly to Ünlü. He also noted that the word "gavat," according to the Turkish Language Association (TDK), means 'arrogant and immoral person.'

Speaking about the lawsuit, Alıcı emphasized that it is an attempt to limit freedom of expression in Turkey. He pointed out the increasing political pressures in the country and the constraints on freedom of speech. Alıcı mentioned the challenges faced by lawyers, journalists, authors, and academics dismissed by statutory decrees, like TİP deputy Can Atalay, who have faced constitutional rights violations for criticizing the government.

Alıcı, affirming his commitment as a socialist to combat regressive and anti-democratic ideologies, intends to use this case to highlight the ongoing efforts to make political and religious figures immune to criticism and the gradual narrowing of freedom of expression. He believes in the importance of defending fundamental rights such as freedom of speech and thought.



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