
Turkish Interior Ministry labels university event as 'terrorist activity'

Turkish Interior Ministry labels university event as 'terrorist activity'

NEWS June 28, 2024

Elif Akgül

During the trial of sociologist and writer Pınar Selek, whose fourth acquittal in the Egyptian Bazaar case was overturned by the Court of Cassation, attorney Bahri Bayram Belen accused the Turkish Interior Ministry of misrepresenting a university event in France as a "PKK activity."

Pınar Selek has been on trial for 26 years, with her acquittals in the 1998 Egyptian Bazaar explosion case overturned five times. The third hearing of this retrial took place at the Istanbul 15th High Criminal Court, attended by international lawyers and academics.

International observers and participants

The hearing saw attendance from numerous international observers, including lawyers from the French Bar, officials from the French and Swiss consulates, Paris Deputy Mayor Jean-Luc Romero Michel, Strasbourg Deputy Mayors Rafael Remy-Lelue and Abdelkarim Ramdane, former Nantes Bar President Pierre-Ann Laugery, Strasbourg University Co-President Mathiue Schneider, and Lyon University Rector Natalie Dompnier. Turkish politicians and rights organization representatives, including Türkan Elçi and Oya Ersoy, also observed the proceedings.

The defense first addressed the arrest warrant for Abdülmecit Öztürk, one of the co-defendants, reminding the court that his acquittal had not been appealed.

Allegations of false representation

Belen then pointed to a document dated June 3, 2024, from the General Directorate of Security, which claimed that Selek attended a "PKK/KCK terrorist event" in Nice, France, in April 2024. The document incorrectly listed Selek’s university address in France as if it were a secret location.

The event in question, Belen clarified, was organized by the Migration and Society Research Unit (URMIS) of the University Côte d’Azur, University Paris Cité, CNRS, and the Institute for Development and Research, focusing on migration. Selek, a sociologist, participated as an academic. Belen submitted statements from the organizing institutions clarifying the nature of the event and Selek’s role.

A flawed document

Belen criticized the document as a deliberate attempt to influence the court by misrepresenting the facts, saying, “This document is not innocent. It’s a manipulated piece of evidence intended to sway the court, suggesting Selek’s involvement with a terrorist organization to support a potential extradition request.”

Following Belen, attorney Alp Selek intended for French lawyers to speak, but the presiding judge denied the request, stating that only officially appointed attorneys would be heard.

The prosecutor recommended upholding the existing arrest warrant for Selek and maintaining the Red Notice, considering the evidence and potential sentences.

Court’s decision

Without recess, the court dismissed Belen’s complaint against the Ministry for lack of jurisdiction and denied Öztürk's request to lift his arrest warrant. The arrest warrants for Selek and Öztürk remain in effect. The court ordered the Ministry of Justice to follow up with French authorities regarding Selek’s statement.

The trial was adjourned to February 7, 2025, at 2 p.m.

About the case

Pınar Selek has faced trial for 25 years related to the 1998 Egyptian Bazaar explosion in Istanbul, which killed seven people. Despite multiple acquittals, the Court of Cassation has consistently overturned these decisions. All expert reports have concluded that the explosion was due to a gas leak, not a bomb. Co-defendants, who initially implicated Selek under torture, later recanted, stating they did not know her.

In 2022, the Court of Cassation overturned Selek’s 2014 acquittal, ruling that she should face aggravated life imprisonment. Selek is charged with "attempting to disrupt the unity and territorial integrity of the state," "possession of hazardous materials without permission," and "membership in an illegal armed organization."


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