Trial Monitoring

Turkish Workers' Party official denies insulting religious figure

Turkish Workers' Party official denies insulting religious figure

Fatma Kesen

Berk Alıcı, the Adana provincial executive of the Turkish Workers' Party (TİP), was on trial on 6 June for allegedly insulting Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü, known as "Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca." Alıcı contended that his remarks were merely criticism and not intended as insults, asserting that Ünlü himself has insulted society as a whole.

Following a complaint from Ünlü over a post on the social media platform X, Alıcı faced charges in Istanbul's Anadolu 61st Criminal Court of First Instance. His statement was taken by the Adana 13th Criminal Court of First Instance.

In his defense statement, Alıcı admitted to owning the social media account and making the post in question. He accused Ünlü of making hate speech against Alevis, which he argued constituted an insult to society. Alıcı, who is of Alevi descent, explained his reaction:

“I am an Alevi citizen and responded emotionally to what I heard. I didn't know that the word 'gavat' was considered an insult. However, public figures should accept criticism. My intent was to criticize, not insult, and I request acquittal.”

The judge asked Alıcı if he would like the ruling to be deferred in case of a conviction. Alıcı requested that the announcement of the verdict be postponed if he is not acquitted.

Background on the Case

The case stems from a post Alıcı made on X on May 22, 2020, stating: "Adnan Oktar, Cüppeli gavat Ahmet, Fetö, Cehennemlik Kadir, Ebuishak İsmail Sana 5 değil 100 gösteririm sen söyle hadi bakalım" (Adnan Oktar, Cüppeli bastard Ahmet, Fetö, Cehennemlik Kadir, Ebuishak İsmail I will show you 100 not 5, you tell me come on). This prompted a complaint from Ünlü, leading to an investigation by the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office for "insult."

The first hearing of the case took place on May 3 at the Istanbul Anadolu 61st Criminal Court of First Instance, where Alıcı’s defense was recorded by instruction at the Adana 13th Criminal Court of First Instance.


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