
Van journalist Selman Keleş indicted for retweeting news report by international agency

Van journalist Selman Keleş indicted for retweeting news report by international agency

Journalist Selman Keleş was indicted on 23 February over his news reports by different news outlets that he shared at different times from his accounts, the pro-Kurdish Mezopotamya news agency reported.  

The new indictment accuses him of "spreading propaganda on behalf of a terrorist organization." The document was drafted by the Van Chief Prosecutor's Office. The indictment includes reposts or retweets by various media outlets, including a report by AFP. 

Tha Van 5th Hİgh Criminal Court, which is already trying Keleş as part of a separate case, accepted the indictment. He was released pending prison after spending eight months last year.  

The next hearing will be on 5 June. 


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