Upcoming Trials

Week of February 24: Journalism and Freedom of Expression Trials




This week, trials related to journalism and freedom of expression, opened on various charges, will continue.

Throughout the week, the MLSA Trial Monitoring Unit will share updates from the hearings in both Turkish and English via @MLSADavaTakip.

February 24, Monday

14:00 - The second hearing of the case against Evrim Kepenek, charged with “publicly disseminating misleading information” under the law known as the “Censorship Law” due to her earthquake-related posts, will be held at Istanbul 13th Criminal Court of First Instance.

February 25, Tuesday

10:00 - The sixth hearing against journalist Sedef Kabaş, charged with “insulting the President,” will be held at Istanbul Anadolu 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance.

10:00 - The trial of journalist Sultan Eylem Keleş, represented by MLSA, charged with “insulting a public official” and “resisting to prevent duty,” will be held at Istanbul 56th Criminal Court of First Instance.

11:30 - The fourth hearing of the case against Dr. Cenk Yiğiter, an academic and lawyer dismissed from Ankara University’s Faculty of Law via a decree law (KHK) during the state of emergency, charged with “insulting the President,” will be held at Ankara 53rd Criminal Court of First Instance.

14:30 - The seventh hearing of the case against journalist Barış Terkoğlu, filed upon a complaint by Hadi Salihoğlu, the Chief Public Prosecutor of the Istanbul Regional Court of Justice, will be held at Istanbul 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance.

February 26, Wednesday

09:10 - The trial of journalist Abdullah Kaya, represented by MLSA, charged with “unlawfully obtaining or disseminating personal data,” will be held at Diyadin Criminal Court of First Instance.

09:30 - The first hearing of the case against Mezopotamya Agency reporter Mahmut Altıntaş, charged with “making terrorist propaganda” due to news-related posts on his social media account, will be held at Adıyaman 2nd High Criminal Court.

09:30 - The second hearing of the case against journalist Perihan Kaya, charged with “insult” upon a complaint by former Tatvan Mayor Mehmet Emin Geylani, who is accused of inciting an attack against Bitlis Journalists’ Association President Sinan Aygül, will be held at Tatvan 1st Criminal Court of First Instance.

09:45 - The trial of writer Gökhan Yavuzel, represented by MLSA, charged with “insulting the President,” will continue at Şanlıurfa 4th Criminal Court of First Instance.

09:55 - The trial of writer Gökhan Yavuzel, represented by MLSA, on charges of "inciting the public to hatred and hostility" will be held at the 35th Istanbul Criminal Court of First Instance.

14:20 - The third hearing of the case against LGBTQ+ activist İris Mozalar, charged with “openly inciting hatred and enmity” due to four social media posts criticizing racist attacks against Syrians in Kayseri, will be held at Istanbul 11th Criminal Court of First Instance.

February 27, Thursday

10:00 - The second hearing of the case against former executives and the former president of the Diyarbakır Bar Association, charged under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code for organizing a commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in 2021, will be held at Diyarbakır 2nd High Criminal Court.

10:00 - The fourth hearing of the case against four members of Halkevleri, charged with “insulting the President” following their protest in front of the AKP Ankara Provincial Office, will be held at Ankara 68th Criminal Court of First Instance.

10:20 - The sixth hearing of the case against 30 defendants, including “Ajans Muhbir” account administrators Süha Çardaklı and Serkan Kafkas, charged with “inciting hatred and enmity,” “threatening to cause fear and panic among the public,” and “publicly disseminating misleading information” over anti-refugee news shared on the X platform, will be held at Ankara 7th Criminal Court of First Instance.

11:00 - The sixth hearing of the trial against seventeen people, who were detained by the police while attempting to hold a commemoration event in 2022 on the 7th anniversary of the October 10 Ankara Train Station massacre, on charges of "violating the Law on Meetings and Demonstrations (Law No. 2911)" will be held at the 33rd Ankara Criminal Court of First Instance.

11:30 - The first hearing of the case against journalist Nevşin Mengü, charged with “making terrorist propaganda” based on an interview she conducted with former PYD Co-Chair Salih Müslim, will be held at Istanbul 22nd High Criminal Court.

13:30 - The third hearing of the case against 10 individuals who were detained while attempting to stage a sit-in protest in front of the Supreme Election Council (YSK) over irregularities in the voting process during the 2023 presidential elections, charged with “violating the Law on Meetings and Demonstrations (Law No. 2911),” will be held at Ankara 27th Criminal Court of First Instance.

February 28, Friday

10:30 - The third hearing of the case against Pir News Agency reporter Nuray Atmaca and 14 others, charged with “making terrorist propaganda” for dancing the halay during the DEM Party’s primary elections in Dersim, was held at Tunceli 1st High Criminal Court.



Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.