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Week of October 7: Journalism and Freedom of Expression Trials

Week of October 7: Journalism and Freedom of Expression Trials




This week, trials related to journalism and freedom of expression charges will continue.

Throughout the week, MLSA Trial Monitoring Unit will share updates from the hearings in Turkish and English via @MLSADavaTakip.

Tuesday, October 8

10:30 AM - The ninth hearing of the trial against Hüseyin Aykol, Ayşe Batumlu Kaya, Eren Keskin, and Reyhan Çapan for participating in the “Co-Editor-in-Chief” campaign in solidarity with Özgür Gündem, which was shut down by a decree. They are facing charges of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” and “publicly inciting others to commit a crime.” The hearing will be held at Istanbul 14th High Criminal Court.

11:50 AM - The trial of 25 people who participated in a protest in Kızılay, Ankara, organized by the “We Can't Find Shelter Movement” in 2021, on charges of “violating the Law on Meetings and Demonstrations No. 2911,” will continue at Ankara 64th Criminal Court of First Instance.

2:30 PM - The 17th hearing of the trial against journalist Pınar Gayıp, who is accused of “membership in a terrorist organization,” will be held at Istanbul 26th High Criminal Court.

Wednesday, October 9

10:40 AM - The third hearing of the trial against journalist Pelin Özkaptan, represented by MLSA, who is accused of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization,” will be held at Istanbul 13th High Criminal Court.

11:00 AM - The retrial of Mücella Yapıcı, Ali Hakan Altınay, and Yiğit Ali Ekmekçi in the Gezi trial will continue at Istanbul 13th High Criminal Court, following the Court of Cassation’s decision to overturn their 18-year prison sentences. This will be the third hearing of the retrial.

Thursday, October 10

9:35 AM - The trial of 37 individuals, who were arrested at memorial events in Ankara for the 5th anniversary of the Suruç Massacre, on charges of “violating the Law on Meetings and Demonstrations No. 2911,” will be held at Ankara 33rd Criminal Court of First Instance.

10:00 AM - The compensation case against the Ministry of Finance, filed by MLSA Legal Unit on behalf of journalist Sedat Yılmaz, who was detained for 230 days despite being acquitted, will be heard at Diyarbakır 6th High Criminal Court.

10:05 AM - The second hearing of the trial against journalist Mehmet Ali Ertaş, accused of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization,” will be held at Diyarbakır 9th High Criminal Court.

10:05 AM - The trial of Sultan Eylem Keleş, represented by MLSA, who is charged with “insulting a public official” and “resisting to prevent duty,” will continue at Istanbul 56th Criminal Court of First Instance.

10:05 AM - The 20th hearing of the trial against conscientious objector Ercan Aktaş, represented by MLSA, charged under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code, will be held at Küçükçekmece 23rd Criminal Court of First Instance.

10:25 AM - The 14th hearing of the trial against journalist Rüstem Batum, who is charged with “inciting hatred and hostility among the public,” will be held at Istanbul 5th Criminal Court of First Instance.

11:00 AM - The 23rd hearing of the trial against journalist Rüstem Batum, charged with “insulting the military and security forces of the state (Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code),” will be held at Istanbul 43rd Criminal Court of First Instance.

11:20 AM - The third hearing of the trial against Can Ataklı, charged with “inciting hatred and hostility among the public” due to comments made about the father of a soldier who died in the Pençe-Kilit Operation, will be held at Istanbul 5th Criminal Court of First Instance.

2:30 PM - The fifth hearing of the trial against journalist Barış Terkoğlu, accused of “insulting a public official” based on the complaint of Istanbul Regional Courthouse Chief Prosecutor Hadi Salihoğlu, will be held at Istanbul 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance.

Friday, October 11

9:25 AM - The second hearing of the trial against three students from Boğaziçi University, charged with “insulting the president” for displaying a photograph of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in a campus exhibition, will be held at Istanbul 46th Criminal Court of First Instance.

9:30 AM - The sixth hearing of the closure case against the Migration Monitoring Association (GÖÇİZDER), which works to promote social solidarity among displaced groups and advocate for the rights of migration victims, will be held at Bakırköy 15th Civil Court of First Instance.

10:00 AM - The seventh hearing of the retrial of 15 public officials, 7 of whom are in detention, related to the murder of Agos editor-in-chief Hrant Dink, will be held at Istanbul 14th High Criminal Court.

11:00 AM - The 10th hearing of the trial against Yağmur Kaya and 51 Boğaziçi University students, accused of “violating the Law on Meetings and Demonstrations No. 2911,” represented by MLSA, will be held at Istanbul 17th Criminal Court of First Instance.



Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.