
Police says journalist Demir was the 'author' book written by Paul White

Police says journalist Demir was the 'author' book written by Paul White


Journalist Hayri Demir was named as the "author" of Indonesian writer Paul White's book published by İletişim Publishing. However, Demir was not only named as the author of a book he did not write, his book "Selahattin Demirtaş - A Political Hostage Story" was also charged. One of the 'criminal evidence' in the investigation was the payments of news royalties deposited in Demir's bank account.

Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation against journalist Hayri Demir. In the research and financial analysis report prepared by the Provincial Security Directorate as part of the investigation, the book "Dağlardan İnmek" written by Indonesian academic-author Paul White and published by İletişim Publishing in 2016 was accused. In two separate reports, the police claimed that Demir wrote the book, stating that "the person wrote the book Dağlardan İnmek praising PKK militants in the past...". It is noteworthy that the book, which was ordered to be confiscated by Şanlıurfa 2nd High Criminal Court in 2017, was subject to an investigation in 2022.

It is a crime to write a Demirtaş book, and a crime to receive royalties

The other book cited as an "element of the crime" in the investigation was the book "Selahattin Demirtaş - A Political Hostage Story". The book, written by Demir and published by Notabene Publishing in December 2021, detailed the trial process against Demirtaş after his arrest on November 4, 2016. The book, which was distributed with the banderole of the Ministry of Culture, was added to the investigation as an "element of crime" even though there was no order of confiscation or ban on the book.

Money transfers regarding royalty payments for news articles during Demir's time as a freelance journalist were also included in the police's financial analysis report as evidence against Demir. The royalty payments Demir received between 2018 and 2021 were cited as a criminal offense despite the description of "news royalties" in his bank transactions.


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