
Another investigation into Menzil’in Kasası: Criticizing Menzil comes with consequences

Another investigation into Menzil’in Kasası: Criticizing Menzil comes with consequences


Author İsmail Arı responds to censorship of his book Menzil'in Kasası after second recall

Journalist and author İsmail Arı has spoken out against the second recall of his book Menzil'in Kasası and the summoning of the publishing house’s director, editor, and owner for questioning. Arı emphasized that the pressure is due to the truths revealed in his book, stating, "We will not back down. No matter what happens, we will continue to write."

Eyüp Topal and Kemal Tığlı, members of the All Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (TÜMSİAD), filed a criminal complaint against Arı, who works as a correspondent for BirGün, as well as Tekin Publishing’s General Editor Elif Akkaya and editor Ayşegül Çakan. The investigation is calling for the book to be seized and destroyed.

Akkaya was summoned to the police station and informed of the investigation into the book. She was questioned about its publication and Arı’s personal details. In an interview with the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), Arı shared his thoughts on the situation and the broader implications for freedom of the press in Turkey.

Ties between TÜMSİAD and the Menzil religious group

Arı reminded that there had already been a previous criminal complaint about the book, which discusses the involvement of many businesspeople. He pointed out that, similar to the Gülenists, the Menzil group has significant influence in the TÜMSİAD business network. He explained:

"TÜMSİAD is deeply connected to the Menzil community. You can see this in their public statements, especially during elections when they declare support for the government. TÜMSİAD, along with other organizations, has signed such statements. President Erdoğan and ministers attend TÜMSİAD events, and their magazine is filled with ads from public institutions and government-linked businesses."

The criminal complaint demands the book’s recall and destruction, and Arı said that two additional businessmen have now filed separate complaints, though the request remains the same: to destroy the book and punish its publisher, editor, and author.

Widespread discomfort with the book

Arı noted that the book, which was published eight months ago and has gone through six printings, has caused significant discomfort, particularly within the Menzil community. He said, "They are especially disturbed by the book cover, which shows the late Menzil leader alongside a U.S. dollar bill. They've been trying to suppress this for months."

He also referenced the Menzil group's alleged profiteering during the earthquake response, claiming that the Turkish Red Crescent purchased aid packages from them. "We reported that the Menzil group took advantage of the earthquake and funneled millions of lira, profiting from the disaster. A year later, they filed a criminal complaint about those reports."

Unprecedented legal pressure on the publisher and editor

Arı expressed surprise at the unprecedented legal pressure on the publisher and editor, noting that typically, legal responsibility falls on the author in such cases. He explained: "Elif Akkaya, who has decades of experience in publishing, told me she's never encountered something like this. The fact that both the publisher and the editor were summoned for questioning is highly unusual and seems like an intimidation tactic."

Arı also pointed out that this investigation is being handled by the public order branch of the police, which he sees as another sign of the powerful influence behind the case. "This is a message. They’re saying, 'We’re this powerful.' The same way people who touched the Gülenists were burned, now those who touch the Menzil group face the same."

The fight for press freedom

Arı concluded by stating that these investigations and threats are aimed at silencing journalists who expose uncomfortable truths, particularly when it comes to influential groups like Menzil. "They are deeply invested in making money from state contracts, and they're uncomfortable with the public knowing about it. They manage incredible sums of money, and they don't like it when we expose that. Just like in the past with the Gülenists, criticizing Menzil comes with consequences because they have strong connections in the judiciary and police."

Arı vowed to continue his work despite the legal pressure, stating, "They are trying to wear us down with investigations, but we will keep writing. Journalists will not be silenced."



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