
Bizim Harika Geçmişimiz documentary about exiled journalists now streaming on MLSA TV

Bizim Harika Geçmişimiz documentary about exiled journalists now streaming on MLSA TV



Documentary Our Wonderful Past highlights experiences of journalists fleeing from Turkey, Russia, and Belarus due to press repression

The documentary Our Wonderful Past, produced by the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) in collaboration with JAM e.V., is now available on MLSA’s YouTube channel, MLSA TV. Directed by Barış Altıntaş and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Russia representative Andrey Zhvirblis, the film tells the stories of journalists from Turkey, Russia, and Belarus who were forced to flee their countries due to systematic crackdowns on press freedom.

From repression to war: Russia

Filmed in Berlin, Vilnius, and Paris, the documentary features interviews with prominent Russian journalists, including Andrei Loshak, former head of photography at NTV; Elisaveta Ossetinskaya, former editor-in-chief of RBK and other media outlets; Novaya Gazeta reporter Evgeny Titov; and Kirill Kharatian, an experienced editor who worked for Kommersant and The Moscow Times. They share their personal experiences of leaving Russia as the political climate deteriorated, particularly after the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

Journalists from Turkey and Belarus

The documentary also includes testimonies from Turkish journalists such as Metin Cihan, Baransel Ağca, 32. Gün program member Banu Acun, and former Yeni Yaşam editor-in-chief Çağdaş Kaplan. From Belarus, Oles Levchuk, a local reporter for the prominent TV station Belsat, and Sergei Balai from the influential news site share their experiences of fleeing their homeland due to press repression.

Background and production

The idea for the documentary emerged after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, when many opposition journalists fled Russia, with some seeking refuge in Turkey. Barış Altıntaş, co-director of MLSA and producer of the documentary, said the film aims to shed light on the experiences of journalists across these three countries, reflecting on both their past struggles and future hopes.

The documentary, which also provides insights into the recent history of press freedom in Turkey, Belarus, and Russia, was edited by Burak Dal. The 22-minute film’s camera work was done by journalists Natalia Bogdanovska and Yuri Davydov, who were forced to continue their profession from abroad, as well as cameraman Augustas Jakimvicius.

The film has been previously screened at the ZEG Storytelling Festival in Georgia in May and at the Turkish Journalists’ Union (TGS) in August.

To watch the documentary, click here.


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