
Court dismisses expansion of 'Gezi Park strip search case' involving three police officers

Mücella Yapıcı (in the middle) being detained during Gezi proests in 2013

In the ongoing trial concerning the alleged strip search of Mücella Yapıcı, a spokesperson for the Taksim Solidarity group, and her daughter Cansu Yapıcı during the Gezi Park protests, the court has rejected requests for further investigation, including on-site inspections and witness hearings. The case, held at the Istanbul 11th High Criminal Court, involves three police officers, one of whom was a detention center chief at the time. They are accused of 'torture and ill-treatment,' with proposed sentences ranging from three to twelve years.

Mücella Yapıcı and Cansu Yapıcı did not attend the hearing, but the defense lawyer was present. One of the accused officers, Levent Mustafaoğlu, participated via the Audio and Visual Information System (SEGBİS). The court decided against hearing the witnesses requested by the victims and also dismissed the request for an on-site investigation into the incident. The case has been sent to the prosecutor for preparation of their opinion on the merits and is adjourned until 10 June 2024, at 10:00.

The Gezi Park protests, a significant series of demonstrations in 2013 in Turkey, were initially aimed at saving Istanbul's Gezi Park but quickly evolved into broader anti-government protests. The movement gained international attention for its scope and the government's harsh response. This trial is part of the ongoing legal proceedings related to the events of that period.


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