
Court orders release of journalists Kamış and Çolak with travel ban and bi-weekly signature requirement

Court orders release of journalists Kamış and Çolak with travel ban and bi-weekly signature requirement



A court in Istanbul decided to release journalists Mehmet Kamış and Ali Çolak, citing that continued detention would be disproportionate. Both were placed under a travel ban and are required to sign in every other Sunday. The trial has been adjourned to November 12.

The 22nd hearing of the case against former deputy editor-in-chief of Zaman newspaper Mehmet Kamış and former culture and arts editor Ali Çolak took place on July 25, 2024, at Istanbul’s 26th High Criminal Court. The two journalists face charges of attempting to overthrow the Turkish Parliament, attempting to overthrow the Turkish government, attempting to overthrow the constitutional order, and membership in a terrorist organization.

Kamış was brought to the courtroom from Marmara Closed Penitentiary Institution under the escort of three gendarmerie officers. Çolak attended the hearing via the Audio and Visual Information System (SEGBİS) from the same institution. Both journalists' families and their lawyers were present at the hearing.

Kamış's digital materials were examined by an expert, and a report was added to the case file. Ali Çolak, who was arrested on July 9 following an outstanding arrest warrant, made his defense statement, denying any instructions from individuals or organizations. He stated, "I am mentioned in the indictment in just one and a half sentences. I am accused of opening an account at Bank Asya and attending an advertising meeting. You are prosecuting a trial writer in a serious terrorism case. I am about to turn 59 and I am the oldest person in my ward, which houses 45 people. I suffer from severe lumbar hernia and live under difficult conditions."

Kamış also requested his release, citing worsening health issues due to high blood pressure. Ali Çolak's lawyer, Enes Malik Kılıç, argued for Çolak's release, noting, "There are nearly 25,000 documents in the case file. The only difference between Kamış and Çolak is that they worked for the same newspaper. My client was the culture and arts editor of Zaman and does not deny this. Prominent figures like Elif Şafak and Şahin Alpay also wrote for that section. My client poses no flight risk, and we request his release under house arrest if necessary."

Kamış's lawyer, Osman Yedekçi, emphasized Kamış's high blood pressure and requested his release under judicial control. The prosecutor recommended continuing Kamış's detention but agreed to Çolak's release under judicial control.

Following a 15-minute break to make an interim decision, the court announced that only the lawyers would be allowed back into the courtroom. A journalist questioned the presiding judge on why the media was being prevented from doing their job. Ultimately, the court decided on the release of both journalists, considering the time they had already spent in detention and the evidence in the case file. Kamış and Çolak were released with a travel ban and required to sign in every other Sunday. The next hearing is scheduled for November 12.


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