
TÜİK: Print media continues to shrink, over 2 billion liras spent on official ads

TÜİK: Print media continues to shrink, over 2 billion liras spent on official ads

July 25, 2024

The Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) has released its 2023 periodical publication statistics, revealing that the print media sector in Turkey continues to decline. The total number of publications has decreased by nearly 20%. Additionally, more than 2 billion liras were spent on official advertisements in 2023.

Shift in methodology

Previously, TÜİK included all periodical publications in Turkey in its research. However, the new methodology now only includes publications that receive official advertisements and advertising revenues. In its 2022 report, TÜİK noted a 9.2% decrease in the number of newspapers and magazines. The 2023 report shows an even sharper decline of nearly 20%.

TÜİK has decided to stop publishing the "print media statistics" report, which included data on all newspapers and magazines in Turkey, due to the sector’s continuous shrinkage. Instead, it will now focus on statistics for periodicals that receive official ads and advertising, under the new “Periodical Publication Statistics.”

Decrease in periodicals with official ads

According to the research, the total number of periodicals dropped from 1,868 in 2022 to 1,349 in 2023. The number of newspapers receiving official ads decreased from 947 to 855, and the number of newspapers and magazines receiving official advertisements fell from 921 to 494.

Total circulation of periodicals in 2023

The study found that the total circulation of periodicals was 638 million in 2023, with 823 local, 8 regional, and 24 national periodicals contributing to this figure. National publications accounted for 523 million of the total circulation. In comparison, the total circulation in 2022 was 848 million. However, the 2022 figure included all newspapers and magazines, while the 2023 figure only includes those receiving official advertisements, which may account for part of the discrepancy.

Employment in periodicals

The study indicates that 5,042 people are employed in the periodicals included in the research. This includes 2,279 reporters, 1,329 page editors, 123 news managers, 384 writers, and 927 responsible editors.

Public spending on official ads doubles

In 2023, public institutions spent a total of 2,096,440,698 liras on official ads and advertisements. This represents an increase of over 100% compared to the 956 million liras spent in 2022.



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