
Fourth censorship order in 13 days targets MLSA, blocking access to 10 articles

Fourth censorship order in 13 days targets MLSA, blocking access to 10 articles

Four censorship orders target MLSA and Freeweb websites in 13 days

The Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) and its internet censorship platform, Freeweb, faced four separate censorship orders over the last 13 days, resulting in access restrictions to a total of 10 news articles and social media posts. MLSA’s Legal Department has filed objections to these censorship decisions.

Four censorship incidents in two weeks

Between August 2 and August 13, news stories published on the websites of MLSA and FreewebTurkey were censored four times. These access bans affected a total of 10 pieces of content, which included news articles and social media posts.

First censorship order: Lefkoşa Ambassador blocks news about his partnership with Halil Falyalı

The first censorship order came on August 2 at the request of Yasin Ekrem Serim, the Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa (Nicosia). The İstanbul 10th Criminal Judgeship of Peace issued a ruling to block access to a tweet by Free Web Turkey, which reported on news suggesting Serim’s partnership with Halil Falyalı, a businessman who was killed in Northern Cyprus.

Second censorship order: Yaşam Ayavefe blocks content related to his case

The second order, issued on August 7 by the Nizip Criminal Judgeship of Peace, came at the request of Yaşam Ayavefe, who has a red notice issued against him by Interpol Turkey. The decision blocked access to two Free Web Turkey articles that described how Ayavefe, who was apprehended in Greece, managed to block posts on the website and social media accounts of Turkey’s General Directorate of Security.

Third censorship order: Stockbroker Nihat Özçelik blocks two articles

The third censorship order was obtained on August 9 by stockbroker Nihat Özçelik, who is on trial for bribery and blackmail. The Gaziosmanpaşa 1st Criminal Judgeship of Peace ordered the blocking of a Free Web Turkey article titled “Access blocked to news about Nihat Özçelik” and another piece discussing censorship issues.

Fourth censorship order: Bilal Erdoğan blocks five articles

The final censorship order in this two-week period came on August 13, when Bilal Erdoğan, son of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, obtained a ruling from the İstanbul Anadolu 8th Criminal Judgeship of Peace. This order blocked access to three Free Web Turkey tweets that reported on allegations related to companies owned by President Erdoğan’s children not paying taxes, their overseas education, and Bilal Erdoğan’s establishment of a maritime company.

Additionally, two other articles were blocked: one on Free Web Turkey titled “Access blocked to news about Bilal Erdoğan” and another on MLSA’s website titled “Access ban on FreeWeb’s news about Bilal Erdoğan lifted.”

These recent censorship orders have raised concerns among freedom of expression advocates, highlighting the ongoing challenges faced by media organizations in Turkey. MLSA's Legal Department is actively contesting these decisions.


Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.