
RTÜK head announces new regulations for women's morning shows

RTÜK head announces new regulations for women's morning shows


RTÜK head announces plans to regulate women's morning shows and hints at action against street interviews

Ebubekir Şahin, head of Turkey's Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), has revealed plans to regulate women's programs aired during morning slots. Speaking to Doğukan Akbayır of Mynet, Şahin stated that if street interviews do not comply with broadcasting principles, RTÜK is prepared to take action.

This statement comes in the wake of strong public backlash over the recent arrest of Dilruba K. in İzmir, following her participation in a street interview. The incident occurred shortly after Şahin’s earlier remarks targeting street interviews, which he claimed could spread disinformation.

In the interview, Şahin also discussed the Turkish television industry, expressing a desire for more "family-friendly" series. According to the Media and Law Studies Association’s (MLSA) 2023 report on RTÜK, administrative fines for TV series have reached record levels, with the series Kızılcık Şerbeti facing a ban on five episodes.

New regulation for morning women’s programs

Shahin also mentioned that RTÜK is preparing a new regulation for morning women's programs, which has been shared with stakeholders. He stated that this regulation, which will be issued as a principle decision, aims to make morning programs more organized.


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