
Free Web Turkey details recent censorship events over past two weeks

Free Web Turkey details recent censorship events over past two weeks


 July 1, 2024

Judge's corruption allegations blocked from access

Ankara's 4th Criminal Judgeship of Peace ordered an access ban on news and posts about a judge accused of bribery, attending drug parties, and using threats to coerce others. This decision, made on June 19 at the judge's request, restricts access to related information.


Access blocked to news on new tax regulations

Tweets from CHP Istanbul MP Namik Tan and DP Istanbul MP Cemal Enginyurt about increased exit fees and excise duty regulations were blocked at the request of Yıldırım Demirören and Demirören Holding. The access ban, issued by Küçükçekmece's 1st Criminal Judgeship of Peace on June 24, also included requests from CNN Türk, Meltem Demirören, and Demirören Media TV Group President Murat Yancı.


Nevşin Mengü's program recording blocked

Journalist Nevşin Mengü's live broadcast titled "Bahçeli Draws the Sword. Is an Early Election Coming? What Will CHP Do?" from June 13 was blocked on YouTube following a request by Yıldırım Demirören. The decision was made by Küçükçekmece's 1st Criminal Judgeship of Peace on June 24.


Access restricted to news about Bedri Gencer

Professor Bedri Gencer, who thanked the President for withdrawing from the Istanbul Convention, secured an access ban on 2,111 news articles mentioning him.


Parking lot altercation news blocked

News about an altercation in Bakırköy between a judge and a civilian, where the judge was punched, was blocked following the judge’s request. The Çorlu 2nd Criminal Judgeship of Peace issued the access ban on June 11.


Access blocked to a radio app

The free radio listening app Radyo FM was removed from Google Play at the request of RTÜK because it lacked the necessary license for online broadcasting. The Ankara 1st Criminal Judgeship of Peace issued the access ban on June 12.


News about match-fixing investigation blocked

News regarding Ahmet Kangı, an imam alleged to have issued a fatwa on match-fixing during the 2011 football investigation, was blocked by the Istanbul 9th Criminal Judgeship of Peace on May 24. The investigation had concluded with the acquittal of all defendants.



Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.