
Free Web Turkey releases global censorship agenda for past two weeks

Free Web Turkey releases global censorship agenda for past two weeks

July 1, 2024

Meta censors soL Haber

The soL Haber Platform announced that its news posts on Facebook have been blocked by Meta. Initially accused of promoting ISIS, and later of promoting Alaattin Çakıcı, soL Haber has been facing ongoing censorship by Meta for years.


OpenAI may restrict access to AI development tools in China

According to the Chinese state-affiliated media company, Securities Times, AI giant OpenAI is planning to block access to its AI development tools in several countries, including China.


US Supreme Court rejects lawsuit over social media censorship claims

The US Supreme Court has rejected a case aiming to limit the federal government's ability to communicate with social media companies about content moderation. The six-to-three decision overturned a lower court ruling that would have restricted government interactions with companies like Google, Meta, and Twitter regarding "misinformation" on COVID-19 vaccines and election interference. The court found that the plaintiffs, including two Republican-led states and social media users, failed to prove that government pressure suppressed their free speech rights.


"Ireland could censor the entire internet," says US author

As the Irish Parliament debates a controversial "hate speech" bill, American author Michael Shellenberger has voiced strong opposition. Known for his work on the "Twitter Files," Shellenberger criticized the bill during sessions in the Irish Parliament and the Ireland Free Speech Summit, claiming it could lead to widespread internet censorship.



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