
Journalist Hayri Tunç detained by Istanbul police in home raid

Journalist Hayri Tunç detained by Istanbul police in home raid

Journalist Hayri Tunç was detained by police in his Istanbul home at around 11:20 pm on 7 March, Evrensel reported. 

The police also searched the house. According to reports, they didn't name the exact reason of his detention, yet they said it concerned a "complaint" filed against him in Van province. 

Tunç, who is being kept at the Istanbul Police Department's detention center on Vatan Street will testify to police investigators who are based in Van via the Turkish judicial video-conferencing system SEGBİS.

Tunç, who is the son of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) politician Aziz Tunç, who has in the past vie for a seat in Parliament from Maraş. Aziz Tunç currently resides abroad due to an ongoing investigation into him. 

The journalist himself was previously detained twice  -- once 2015 and later 2016. In 2016, he was arrested in February on terror propaganda charges because of his social media posts and kept in prison until March 2016. 

Earlier, Turkey seized the passport of his mother Fatma Tunç as she attempted to travel abroad. 


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