
Merdan Yanardağ sentenced to 2 years and six months in prison and released

Merdan Yanardağ sentenced to 2 years and six months in prison and released


MLSA - Merdan Yanardağ, the Editor-in-Chief of TELE1, has been sentenced to 2 years and six months in prison for charges of 'terrorist organization propaganda' and 'praising crime and criminals.' However, he was ordered to be released following the verdict. 

During the first case hearing, held on October 4, 2023, at Istanbul's 30th High Criminal Court, chaos ensued outside the courtroom due to limited admissions, causing a 1.5-hour delay.

In his defense, Yanardağ asserted that the case was an act of intimidation against those advocating for Turkey's democratization. He denied any intent to support terrorist groups and accused the prosecution of producing a false crime through edited videos. Yanardağ stated that his arrest was based on his comments regarding AK Party Diyarbakır MP Galip Ensarioğlu's statements in an interview with Gazete Duvar.

Yanardağ criticized his arrest and emphasized the need to focus on the perpetrator rather than the act. He also raised concerns about the treatment of some citizens of Turkey under enemy law and their recognition as part of the nation.

Following his defense, the presiding judge supported Yanardağ, who had also filed a criminal complaint against online trolls targeting him. Yanardağ demanded the case's dismissal, his release, and acquittal.

After the defense, the prosecution provided its final opinion, requesting Yanardağ's sentencing for 'making propaganda for a terrorist organization' and continued detention.

After being under arrest for 101 days, Merdan Yanardağ was sentenced to 2 years and six months in prison and subsequently released following a brief deliberation by the court.


The charges against Merdan Yanardağ stem from comments made during the '4 Questions 4 Answers' program, where he expressed his belief that the AK Party was working on a new resolution process with PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. His statements were taken out of context and circulated on social media, leading to the investigation and his subsequent arrest.

Journalist Ayşenur Arslan, targeted by government supporters for her assessments of a bomb attack in Ankara, was also detained and taken to the courthouse.


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