Hearing news

Prosecutor seeks conviction for journalist Ayşenur Arslan in first hearing

Prosecutor seeks conviction for journalist Ayşenur Arslan in first hearing


Eylem Sonbahar

Journalist Ayşenur Arslan, on trial for "terrorist propaganda" over comments she made on her television program Medya Mahallesi, defended herself in court, saying, "Truth emerges through questions. If we forget to ask questions, we cannot call ourselves journalists."

The first hearing of Arslan’s trial was held at Istanbul’s 14th High Criminal Court. She is facing charges for remarks made on Oct. 2, 2023, during her program on Halk TV, in which she commented on an attack targeting Turkey’s Interior Ministry.

Arslan attended the hearing with her lawyers, while numerous journalists and observers followed the proceedings. In her defense, she stated: "With 50 years of experience in journalism, I raised attention to the topic as someone who has researched suicide attacks. Truth emerges through questions. If we stop asking, we cannot call ourselves journalists. I have never engaged in terrorist propaganda, nor would I ever."

'An indictment that is troubling for press freedom'

Following Arslan's statement, her lawyer Ziya İlker Göktaş argued that the charges lacked legal basis, stating, "This is an indictment that is troubling for freedom of expression and press freedom. We demand the immediate acquittal of our client."

Another lawyer, Sebla Öztürk Başarır, pointed out that the attack occurred on Oct. 1, 2023, while Arslan analyzed it on-air the following day with a guest. "She simply asked whether there could be something more behind this incident. There was no glorification of any terrorist organization. This was purely journalistic commentary, and criticism is entirely natural. Our client is a journalist, and she should be acquitted," she said.

'An imaginary crime to silence opposition'

Lawyer Uğur Poyraz criticized the court's approach, stating that the presiding judge was asking leading questions. "In my opinion, this trial is worse than Socrates' trial. Who has gone out and committed attacks because of Ayşenur Arslan’s broadcast? They are fabricating an imaginary crime to create a defendant and, through her, attempting to silence all opposition," he argued.

At the hearing, the prosecutor presented the final opinion, requesting Arslan's conviction for "terrorist propaganda."

The court granted Arslan and her lawyers additional time to prepare their defense and postponed the trial to May 6.


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