Hearing news

Trial of T24 journalist Aranca on “violation of confidentiality” charges postponed

Trial of T24 journalist Aranca on “violation of confidentiality” charges postponed


Eylem Sonbahar

The trial of journalist Asuman Aranca, who is facing charges of "violating confidentiality" over her report on the expert opinion in the Sinan Ateş murder case, has been postponed to allow time for defense statements.

The second hearing of the case was held at Istanbul’s 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance. Aranca, a reporter for the independent news outlet T24, is on trial due to her report titled "T24 obtains expert opinion in Sinan Ateş murder case: Ülkü Ocakları leader requested Ateş’s address!"

During the first hearing on Oct. 15, 2024, the prosecutor had submitted his final opinion, which he reiterated in this session. He argued that the report exceeded the limits of press freedom and the right to inform the public, claiming that it disclosed the contents of the expert report and published all related visuals despite lacking public interest. He requested a conviction for Aranca.

Joining the hearing remotely via Turkey’s judicial video conferencing system (SEGBİS) from the Ankara Courthouse, Aranca requested additional time to present her defense along with her lawyer.

The court granted the request and postponed the next hearing to Sept. 16 at 10:25 a.m.


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