
The judge in journalist Sonya Bayık's case ignores violence in detention 

The judge in journalist Sonya Bayık's case ignores violence in detention 


BATMAN - In the trial of journalist Sonya Bayık who was charged with attending a press statement, the judge refused to listen to the defendant who wanted to tell about the violence committed by the police during the press statement. The judge stated that they were only interested in the events that occurred during the incident.

The 9th hearing for the case involving journalist Sonya Bayık and 30 activists who were detained during a press statement to protect the cultural heritage of the Hasankeyf district in Batman was held at the Batman 1st Criminal Court of First Instance. The district is set to be flooded due to the Ilısu Dam project.

The trial of the defendants for violating Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations began an hour late as the judge and prosecutor were not wearing robes.

Defendant Mazlum İtmez requested to make a defense, but the judge informed him that his defense had already been presented.

In response, İtmez stated that he had already made his defense regarding the case but wanted to talk about what happened during and after his detention. İtmez said that the police had attacked the participants without any prior warning during their press statement for the protection of Hasankeyf. Stating that it was their most natural right to hold a press statement, İtmez said that despite this, they were subjected to police intervention with rubber bullets, batons, and gas bombs. İtmez said they were beaten during their detention and made to wait under the sun for hours in a police bus with a locked door.

Upon these remarks, the judge warned İtmez to defend himself against the accusations in the indictment and said, "There are no crimes committed by the police in the indictment. You can file a criminal complaint if you have such a complaint." 

İtmez replied to the judge, "I know what the verdict will be here, but I will still tell what happened there." The judge interrupted İtmez again as he continued describing the violence he was subjected to during his detention and continued: "You are claiming torture. File a complaint. You told me what happened after the incident. What happened during the incident is important for me." 

Itmez denied the accusations in the indictment and demanded acquittal. In the case, the prosecutor suggested the court wait for the outcome of the arrest warrant issued for the defendants whose defenses were not taken.

The judge adjourned the hearing to December 12, 2023, waiting for the execution of the arrest warrants of Merve Öztep and Erol Daşdelen, whose defenses were not taken.


The police intervened a press statement organized by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Youth Assembly at the HDP Hasankeyf district building to protect the historical and cultural heritage in Hasankeyf, which the Ilısu Dam will flood. 

Journalist Sonya Bayık was among the 31 people detained during a press statement for news coverage.

Following the acceptance of the indictment prepared by the Batman Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, journalist Bayık and three others have been put on trial for violating Law No. 2911 on Demonstrations and Marches. The charges carry a potential prison sentence of 6 months to 3 years.

The indictment against the defendants refers to the Hasankeyf Sub-Governorate's decision dated June 12, 2019, banning all demonstrations, meetings, rallies, and similar events within the district borders.


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