
Week of Press Freedom in Hamburg sheds light on global media suppression

Week of Press Freedom in Hamburg sheds light on global media suppression

MLSA and its sister organization JAM in Berlin are attending the Week of Press Freedom in Hamburg, where the discussion is about journalists exiled from repressive countries


The Week of Press Freedom in Hamburg, which commenced on 11 September, has become a focal point for journalists worldwide, highlighting the challenges and threats faced by the media in various countries.

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Nobel Laureate and Novaya Gazeta Editor in Chief Dmitry Muratov

The opening event at Hamburg Rathaus on the first day saw Nobel Laureate and Novaya Gazeta Editor in Chief, Dmitry Muratov, discuss the erosion of the rule of law in Russia. He emphasized cases where individuals were imprisoned for innocuous acts like writing "peace" on cakes. Muratov also mentioned the accusation of espionage against WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich for seeking official permission to interview artists who had served in war zones.

Following Muratov's speech, a panel discussion took place. Sevgil Musaieva of Ukrainska Pravda remarked on the heightened need for news during the onset of the war in Ukraine, with some readers saying they were prioritizing it over food.

Cumhuriyet’s former editor-in-chief Can Dündar, who had to leave the country years ago, discussed the media landscape in Turkey.

He highlighted the intimidation tactics used against journalists, including labeling them as terrorists or foreign agents. He also touched upon the sale of media outlets to Erdogan's allies, leading to a media environment where criticism of Erdogan's corruption is virtually non-existent.

Xifan Yang, Die Zeit's China Correspondent, drew a bleak picture of journalism in China, likening journalists to fossils and noting that many have transitioned to roles as state censors.

Voices of Afghan journalists

On 12 September, exiled Afghan journalist Latfullah Najafizada, CEO of Amu TV, shared his harrowing experiences. He detailed the Taliban's crackdown on women and journalists, emphasizing the importance of supporting the journalists still in Afghanistan. Najafizada recounted how the Taliban instructed him to broadcast their control over the region, leading him to flee and establish Amu TV from exile.

In an interview that took place on the second day, Valeria Semaniuk, a Freelance Journalist at Der Tagesspiegel, discussed the challenges faced by Ukrainian journalists in Germany. She highlighted the limited support for Ukrainian journalists, who are often perceived as war refugees rather than exiled journalists. Semaniuk also touched upon the skepticism faced by Ukrainian journalists, who are sometimes seen by German colleagues as biased due to the ongoing conflict.

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Novaya Gazeta Europe / Ekaterina Glikman

Exiled journalists from Russia and Belarus

A subsequent panel on exiled journalists from Belarus and Russia provided further insights. Tamina Kutscher noted the exodus of 86 Russian media outlets post-war and the dire state of press freedom in both countries. Ekaterina Glikman of Novaya Gazeta Europe shared her journey, emphasizing the sacrifices made by journalists for the sake of truth. Anton Lyseknov of Spektr.Press discussed the technical challenges faced by exiled media, while Aliaksandr Atorshchankau of shed light on the economic hardships faced by journalists in exile.

The events are part of the fifth Exile Media Forum, organized in partnership with the British organization, Justice for Journalists. The forum is an initiative of the Körber-Stiftung and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius, aiming to shed light on the challenges faced by journalists worldwide and to advocate for their rights and safety.

You can follow the forum here


Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.