
Two journalists detained in Diyarbakır released under judicial control

Two journalists detained in Diyarbakır released under judicial control

Deniz Tekin

In Diyarbakır, journalists Nurcan Yalçın and Derya Us, along with six others, were released under judicial control after being detained and referred to the on-duty peace judiciary. The court imposed travel bans and required them to sign in at the local police station once a week.

The eight individuals were initially detained on allegations of "membership in an organization" and "violating the law on preventing the financing of terrorism" for reportedly sending money to friends or relatives in prison. During their police interrogations, the journalists invoked their right to remain silent, and the investigation into their case has been subject to a confidentiality order.

After providing statements to the prosecutor, they were brought before the Diyarbakır Court, where the decision for judicial control measures was made. Among those released was journalist Nurcan Yalçın, who was previously detained in 2018 for allegedly sending money to her incarcerated colleague, Kibriye Evren.


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