Week of July 8: Journalism and Freedom of Expression Cases

Week of July 8: Journalism and Freedom of Expression Cases


This week, trials related to journalism and freedom of expression will continue to be heard. Throughout the week, the MLSA Trial Monitoring Unit will share updates on the hearings in both Turkish and English via @MLSADavaTakip.

July 8, Monday

14:00 – The trial of 24 individuals, including journalist Öznur Değer, who were detained during the “We Can’t Make Ends Meet” protest in Ankara, on charges of “violating Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations” and “resisting to prevent the fulfillment of duty” will continue at the Ankara 18th Criminal Court of First Instance.

July 9, Tuesday

09:00 - The trial of journalist İhsan Çaralan, on charges of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization,” will continue at the Istanbul 14th High Criminal Court. 14:00 - The trial of journalist Tolga Şardan, who was detained on November 1 and released after five days due to his article claiming that the Presidency requested a report from the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) regarding the judiciary, will begin under the “censorship law” at the Istanbul 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance.

July 10, Wednesday

09:25 – The trial of artist Ferhat Tunç on charges of “insulting a public official” will continue at the Büyükçekmece 16th Criminal Court of First Instance.

09:25 - The sixth hearing of the trial against the seven-member Organizing Committee of the 2021 Newroz celebration in Diyarbakır, on charges of “violating Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations,” will be held at the Diyarbakır 5th Criminal Court of First Instance.

11:45 - The twelfth hearing of the trial of journalist Hayko Bağdat, on charges of “insulting the President” and “inciting the public to hatred and enmity,” will take place at the Istanbul 50th Criminal Court of First Instance.

July 11, Thursday

09:25 - The fifth hearing of the trial of journalist Hakkı Boltan, on charges of “insulting the President,” will be held at the Diyarbakır 12th Criminal Court of First Instance.

09:50 – The fourth hearing of the 10,000 TL moral compensation lawsuit filed by Deputy Minister of National Defense Alpaslan Kavaklıoğlu against journalist Barış Pehlivan, following his articles about the Deputy Ministers of National Defense, will be held at the Ankara 23rd Civil Court of First Instance.

10:55 - The trial of journalist Can Dündar in the 'MIT Trucks case' will continue at the Istanbul 14th High Criminal Court.


Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.