Journalist Ayhan faces lawsuit four years after publication

Journalist Ayhan faces lawsuit four years after publication

Journalist Kayhan Ayhan criticizes lawsuit filed four years after his report in Cumhuriyet

Journalist Kayhan Ayhan has voiced his frustration after a lawsuit was filed against him four years after a report he wrote for Cumhuriyet newspaper. The lawsuit stems from a December 30, 2020, article titled “Soldier who deserted to obtain assault report fled again after continued pressure,” which detailed the experiences of conscript Hasan Düdük (23), who had deserted from Tekirdağ Çerkezköy 3rd Armored Brigade Command.

Ayhan is now facing a moral damages lawsuit initiated by specialist sergeant Recep Karaıslı at Diyarbakır 4th Civil Court of First Instance.

Speaking with the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), Ayhan, who has faced numerous investigations and lawsuits over his reporting, said, "The aim is clear—to intimidate and silence. Those who fear the truth try to suppress journalists with investigations, lawsuits, and arrests. But despite these threats, pressure, and lawsuits, we continue to practice journalism. That's what scares them the most. We will keep writing and fighting for a democratic public space. Instead of filing lawsuits against us, if they focused on correcting the issues we report on, there wouldn’t be any need for such actions.”

Ayhan’s original report covered the allegations of mistreatment that led to conscript Hasan Düdük’s desertion and subsequent legal complaints, which have now led to Ayhan facing legal repercussions years after the article's publication.



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