Hearing news

World Peace Day case: Journalist Zilan Azad among 95 acquitted

World Peace Day case: Journalist Zilan Azad among 95 acquitted


In a notable ruling, the Istanbul Anadolu 17th Criminal Court of First Instance acquitted 95 individuals, including journalist Zilan Azad, defended by MLSA, in the "World Peace Day" case. The court also decided to separate the files of five defendants whose defenses were not taken.

Lawyers Nurettin Kuzu and Ömer Taş represented the defendants in the hearing, which many did not attend. Zeynep Calıhan, one of the 'Peace Mothers,' made a defense statement during the session.

"I went there for peace," Calıhan stated, emphasizing her role as a Peace Mother and describing her white headscarf as a symbol of peace. She recounted how she and several other mothers were encircled and arrested without warning, alleging mistreatment during the arrest process. Calıhan denied any physical altercation with the police, highlighting the overwhelming police presence against a single woman, and requested her acquittal.

Lawyer Ömer Taş argued for his client's acquittal, stating, "My client wanted to exercise her fundamental right to assemble, march, and demonstrate on World Peace Day. This right is protected under the constitution. There is no legal wrongdoing. Since no crime of violating Law No. 2911 is constituted, I request my client's acquittal."

Nurettin Kuzu requested the separation of the files of the five individuals whose defenses were not recorded and a decision on the remaining cases, emphasizing the prolonged duration of the trials as a violation of the right to a fair trial. Kuzu noted, "This was an authorized action."

The prosecutor, referencing the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), highlighted the broad interpretation of the right to demonstrate, assemble, and march as per both the Turkish constitution and established jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the ECHR. The prosecutor stressed that the administration should show tolerance in the exercise of this right and recommended the acquittal of all defendants under Article 223/A of Law No. 5271.

The court ruled to separate the files of Zeytun Candan, Şenay Tuncer, Emine Aksoy, Birgül İrin, and Tuğçe Özgül and acquitted the remaining 95 individuals under Article 223/A of Law No. 5271.


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